Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Can a Vision Make You Happy?

We have all heard, "without a vision, the people perish." If that is true, then we as a church have much to fear. So few have real vision, whether in their life, their work, their ministry, their church, their family...but the truth is that it goes so much deeper than simply having a plan and then seeing it through to completion. To most of us, that's exactly what we think. Several translations allow us to get a clearer picture than fulfillment of a plan. Listen to these words. I say listen, because I think to get the full import, one must read aloud as the Scripture was written, so that we might hear it, so read this aloud:

Without revelation people run wild, but one who keeps the law will be happy. Proverbs 29:18 (HCSB)

What I think I'm trying to clarify in my own mind is this vision thing. I think it is less about what I think I should be doing and more about what God has already "revealed" (that's the revelation), you and I and all the world are called to keep His Word. It then becomes all about what I am currently doing in obedience to God and His Word that will affect my future. The vision was revealed by God to His prophets so that the people would hear and obey. The obvious result would be an absence of wild living by His people and His nation. That means, when there is wild living and there are unrestrained lifestyles, it demonstrates that God's revelation, His vision, is not being honored in the lives of those who choose that way. The result? They perish.

I heard a scarey statistic today on CNN. It said that according to a religious survey just released, the religious in America have dropped by another 10%. That is down from 1990's 86% to a modern day record low of 76%. The head of the Catholic Laymen league interjected that these people (who now comprise 15% of the population) shared that they don't believe in the traditional God. He went on to say that the most feared words in the English language to them are, "Thou shalt not." He continued by saying, "They are not atheists or agnostics, they're simply saying, 'I don't want to be told what to do with my life.'" These are the people who might have the opportunity to hear the vision from God, but have chosen to ignore or reject His vision as it is heralded passionately and truthfully in the pulpits of America that are aflame with righteousness. It is in these churches where the truth is preached that we continue to have good solid growth. Those churches that have rejected the revelation of God have told their people, in effect, "Cast off restraint. It's not true anyway!"

God is much more concerned that we listen to Him through His Word and His messengers than we fulfill a vision for our church or our lives. After all, what did the church do for the 2000 years before all the church growth conferences and mega churches? I think they did alright for themselves. We're here today because they not only survived but thrived through incredibly trying times. How? Revelation from God. Accepting God's Word for what it is, truth that directs our lives. It is that revelation that keeps us close to Him and serving Him and keeps us happy. Yes, I said happy. Here are the final words of that proverb, "One who keeps the law will be happy." It is in the Bible that we find what we've been looking for all along, true happiness. Now that's a vision I'd like to see come to pass.